I have been thinking about my own family before writing this article. I got married last December 10, 2018 and I am blessed with one child, the precious gift that GOD gives me. I miss my child every second of the day. That is how I love my family. I have my wife with me every day since we work in the same office.

I also missed my mother and brothers. I am in Cebu, Philippines while they are in Leyte, Philippines. I spent my thirty-six years of my life with them and they help me a lot of who I am today. 

Family is the basic unit of a society. But, why is family very important? I have listed here the importance of family and the need to have them. These are the following;

  1. To alleviate depression. There are researches that say, kids who ate with their families regularly could less likely to show depression symptoms. 
  2. To improve academic performance. Family who spent time together could share some ideas which could be passed on to your kids while having conversation with them.
  3. To discipline and teach good values. Parent are the first one who could manage the attitude of the children. Children, on the other hand, reacted on how the parents discipline them. Always remember that the children will value the way their parents discipline them. If parents take for granted the mistakes of their children. Children will be the one who will abuse the same and show their mistakes to others.
  4. To have a healthy community. If families learn how to discipline their children, leaders in the community will easily know how to manage the community.
  5. To lean on when problems arouse. Family could support the children from the start, emotionally or financially. Family could also teach them how to pray. During personal crisis, the family is the first one to understand and accept them.
  6. To motivate children. If person has a strong ties with his family, he will always be loved and be supported. Words from the parents will motivate him in times of problems. Hence, family is the essential source of encouragement and affection.
  7. To protect wealth. In terms of business wealth, one could trust a member of the family.
  8. To feel that sense of happiness.



Published by Oans

I have faith. Failures tossed me to success. Failures never ends while you live. It is equated to success. Hence, have faith while you breathe!

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